Integrating Tinymovr

Tinymovr can be integrated into your projects in the form of a Python library. Using the library, you can generate and manipulate one or more Python objects that represent Tinymovr controllers, with the full device tree, as exposed in the Studio GUI and CLI. The communication protocol defined by Avlos and used by Tinymovr comprises a series of read/write endpoints. The endpoints are defined taking into account the capabilities and constraints of the CAN bus, the main communication bus used by Tinymovr, however they are not strictly constrained to CAN, and can be used with other comm channels as well.

The Tinymovr Library allows full hardware control from within Python scripts, using a high-level interface to hardware. For use with embedded devices, the Tinymovr C++ Library is proposed as an alternative.

It is of course possible to interface directly with Tinymovr using the protocol endpoints by generating the message frames yourself. However, this is generally advised against, as the libraries offer robustness and functionality that is not trivial to implement from scratch.

The Tinymovr Python library is part of Tinymovr Studio. For help installing Studio, please take a look at Studio Installation.

For the full Tinymovr protocol reference, take a look at the API REFERENCE

Use with Python

Here below is an example using the API from Python scripts and controlling hardware:

import can
from tinymovr.bus_router import init_router
from tinymovr.config import get_bus_config, create_device

params = get_bus_config(["canine", "slcan_disco"], bitrate=1000000)
init_router(can.Bus, params)
tm = create_device(node_id=1)


The above code block will instantiate a Tinymovr with CAN bus id of 1 and calibrate it. slcan_disco is our custom slcan plugin for python-can that allows discovery of slcan-flashed CANine devices. Following the above, you can issue commands such as:

tm.controller.position.setpoint = 10000

tm.controller.velocity.setpoint = 80000

BusRouter API

The BusRouter class in the Tinymovr library is designed to facilitate message distribution and communication on the CAN bus by distributing incoming messages based on the result of a filter callback.

API Overview

class BusRouter

Initializes and manages the routing of CAN bus messages between various clients. It integrates a simple forwarding mechanism for sending messages to simplify interfacing with CAN bus objects.

__init__(bus_manager, timeout, logger)

Constructor for the BusRouter. Initializes the bus manager, timeout, and logger.


This constructor should not be used directly. Instead, use the init_router() function.

  • bus_manager – Instance of BusManager to handle low-level bus interactions.

  • timeout – Timeout in seconds for receiving messages.

  • logger – Logger instance for logging information.


Main thread function that continuously listens for incoming frames and dispatches them to the appropriate clients based on filter results.

add_client(filter_cb, recv_cb)

Registers a new client to receive messages that meet specific conditions.

  • filter_cb – Callback function that determines if the incoming frame should be passed to the client.

  • recv_cb – Callback function that handles the received frame.


Stops the router’s main running thread, effectively stopping the routing of messages.


Performs a complete shutdown by stopping the router and closing all bus manager activities.


Sends a frame via the bus manager.


frame – The CAN frame to be sent.

Bus Router Management Functions

These helper functions manage the lifecycle of the BusRouter instance.

init_router(bus_class, bus_params, logger, timeout=0.1)

Initializes a bus router using a python-can bus instance. This function creates a singleton instance of BusRouter.

  • bus_class – The bus class from python-can to be used.

  • bus_params – Parameters for the bus initialization.

  • logger – Logger instance for logging activities.

  • timeout – Timeout in seconds for receiving messages.


An instance of BusRouter.


Destroys the existing bus router and stops its associated thread.


Returns the current instance of the bus router if it exists.


The following functions are deprecated and will be removed in future versions:


Deprecated since version 2.1: Use init_router() instead.


Deprecated since version 2.1: Use destroy_router() instead.


Deprecated since version 2.1: Use get_router() instead.

Error Codes

Tinymovr uses error codes to indicate faults in operation. Each component presents their own error states, which are summarized in the API REFERENCE.